Jean Lochard at the Gaîté Lyrique

november 2012

Jean Lochard aka Najo will perform on Karlax as part of the Ircam Live, that will take place at the Gaîté Lyrique during the Ircam Forum, on November 28. More info: © Ai. Comput'In

The creative center

october 2012

The preliminary project for the creative center "Seegmuller" is underway. The days of presentation will take place in Strasbourg, on October 25 and 26, with Tom Mays, composer in residency. More info:

Kàla at the CNSMDP

october 2012

Daniel Figols Cuevas, composer and student at the CNSMDP, composed Kàla for large ensemble and Karlax. Kàla will be performed on October 5th, at the CNSMDP, at 7:00pm. More info :

City Sonic 2012

september 2012

As part of the City Sonic Festival in Mons (Belgium), Fabrique Nomade will perform Ripples Never Come Back composed by Michele Tadini, on September 16 at 6:30pm. More info:

Streamline Project | Hidden Session #10

september 2012

Streamline Project | Hidden Session #10 with Nhandan Chirco, Jean-Christophe Potvin on Karlax and Branko Popovic will be performed at Le Chien Perdu in Brussels, on September 14 at 8:30pm. More info:

Musicalta Festival

august 2012

Here, the greatest masterpieces of the music of the eighteenth century daily rub with contemporary, contemporary music or electro-acoustic music at the Musicalta Festival. From July 21 to August 8, in Rouffach country. More info:

Philippe Geiss @ WSCXVI

july 2012

The university town of St Andrews will hold the World Saxophone Congress XVI from July 10 to 15. Philippe Geiss will perform for the Opening gala concert on July 10, with the Diastema Saxophone Quartet on July 11 and on Karlax, on July 12.

16th International Saxophone Meeting

june 2012

Philippe Geiss will lead a masterclass at the 16th International Saxophone Meeting in Slovenia from June 27 to July 3 in Nova Gorica. More info :

Karlax Ecritures #2

june 2012

The CNSMDP will host the second session of "Karlax Ecritures" about writing electroacoustic music for Karlax. On Tuesday, June 19 at 2 pm, with Lorenzo Bianchi, Daniel Figols and Tom Mays. More info:

Fogg of Lorenzo Bianchi

may 2012

Fabrique Nomade will perform Fogg of Lorenzo Bianchi at the Forum of Blanc-Mesnil, on May 4 at 8:30pm, as part of the meetings "Lutheries & électrons". With Francis Faber on Karlax.

Parking Song at the Marni Theater

may 2012

Jean-Christophe POTVIN will perform with Karlax from May 1 to 5, at the Marni Theater of Brussels in Parking Song, directed by Michel Bernard.

Gomorra at the Théâtre Pitoëff

april 2012

For the first time on stage, Philippe Lüscher staged the adaptation of the bestseller "Gomorra" that Saviano and Gelardi have done for the theater. With the company Cie X225 and Stephane Oertli for the sound creation. From April 20 to May 13, at the Théâtre Pitoëff of Genève.

Apéro-Concert at Césaré

april 2012

Pascal Contet on accordion and Tom Mays on Karlax will perform at Césaré, National Center of Musical Creation, for a rush hour concert, on April 11. More info here:

P. GEISS @ the Arizona State University

march 2012

Philippe GEISS is invited to present his research work on "Karlax" to the researchers team and students of the School of Arts, Media + Engineering, Arizona State University. This will be held on March 16th at 3pm.

North American Saxophone Alliance

march 2012

Philippe Geiss is invited to present his work with Karlax at the biennial North American Saxophone Alliance Conference, from March 15 to 18 at the Arizona State University.

The Fonderie de l'Image

march 2012

Qwartz Lab invites Rémi Dury to introduce Karlax at the Fonderie de l'image on March 13rd.

Lightness of Being

march 2012

Thomas Goguelin and his Karlax will be at the show "Lightness of Being" at the Minotaure's Theater of Béziers, on March 10 with Hong Kong artists: Yin Fang and Huang Huan (dancers) and Deng Pei (musician and composer).


february 2012

On February 15th, at 6:30pm, La Grande Fabrique will perform Electrotubes, in Dieppe Conservatory as part of "Les Hivernales des Cuivres en Normandie".

Karlax on France 3

january 2012

Philippe Geiss will introduce Karlax in the France3 Lorraine show "C'est à Savoir" about Art and New technologies, on sunday, January 22nd, at 11:30am. Then, you could watch it on the France 3 website and on France 3 Bourgogne on January 25th, at 01:00pm.

Karlax at the Haute Ecole de Musique

january 2012

At the instigation of the Center for Electronic Music director, Eric Daubresse, the department of composition and theory of the Haute Ecole de Musique of Genève acquired a Karlax.

Tales in music at the Château de Vincennes

december 2011

From December 26-30, Delphine ZUCKER actress, Jean LOCHARD on Karlax and Jean GAILLARD on flute will perform Solotareff´s tales at the Donjon of the Château de Vincennes:

Philippe Geiss in Japan

december 2011

Philippe Geiss will be in Japan from December 14-17 for public courses, concerts in part of 31st Festival of the Japan Saxophonist Association and at the Senzoku Gakuen College of Music.

Musical creation at Opéra Comique

december 2011

On December 3, 75 artists, including Tom Mays, Francis Faber and Olivier Sens, will offer more than 32 concerts and will make be heard the whole wealth of musical creation. At the Bar of Creation, open all day, visitors will continue to exchange and meet the artists.

Jean Lochard & Tom Mays @ Ircam Forum

november 2011

Jean Lochard, Ircam, and Tom Mays, CNSMDP, will present their work with Karlax and Max at Ircam Forum, on November 17th at 11am:

Karlax @ MSUV in Novi Sad

november 2011

Streamline Project with Jean-Christophe Potvin on Karlax will perform Hidden Session #6 at Contemporary Art Museum MSUV of Novi Sad in Serbia, on Saturday, November 5th, at 8:30pm.

Karlax @ Expo of Cycling '74

october 2011

The second Expo ’74 will be held in New York, from 14 to 16 october. Tom Mays will present his work for Karlax to the community of MAX/MSP users.

Karlax @ Databaz

october 2011

Thierry Coduys and Tom Mays will perform on Saturday, October 8th, at 8:30pm, at DATABAZ, the center of experimental art in Angoulême.

Karlax @ Musica 2011

september 2011

Philippe GEISS and Tom MAYS will introduce Karlax for the Open Day of Musica, the international festival of contemporary music in Strasbourg. On Sunday, September 25, from 2 to 6.30 pm at the Cité de la Musique et de la Danse of Strasbourg.

Karlax & J-C Potvin @ Hotel Limbo festival

july 2011

In 2011 the project Streamline is developing by a series of artistic residency. The project team, including the musician from Belgium and karlax player J-C Potvin, is in residency at "Il Laboratorio dell'Imperfetto" in Italy. Two public presentations of "Hidden Sessions" are scheduled during the Hotel Limbo festival, on 21st and 24th July.

Karlax @ CNSMDP

june 2011

As part of the class "New technologies applied to music composition" of Luis Naon and Tom Mays at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, Tom Mays will host a session on writing electroacoustic music for Karlax on Monday, June 27 at 10 am.

Karlax & Tom Mays @ Nime2011

may 2011

Tom Mays will perform with Karlax on may the 29th in Oslo during the 10th edition of the NIME (New interfaces for Musical Expression) conference. More infos:

Karlax & Olivier Sens @ Qwartz 7

march 2011

On Friday, April the 1st, musician / composer and creator of Usine software Olivier Sens will perform one of his musical pieces written for Karlax. The show will take place at Théâtre du Trianon (Paris) and will be part of the Qwartz award ceremony. Celebrating their 7th edition, the Quartz Electronic Music Awards aim to highlith the diversity of electronic, digital and contemporary musical scene. During the first edition in 2004, an early Karlax prototype (which was at that time known as "Tub X") won the Max Mathews' Qwartz.

Karlax @ La Gaîté Lyrique

march 2011

The new parisian venue dedicated to Digital Arts La Gaîté Lyrique, is opening this week. Da Fact had to be present, and as a result Karlax will be exposed and for sale at the Amusement Creative Store from this week on and for the whole month.

Karlax makes his movie for Balzac

february 2011

4th session in the cinema Balzac on Monday, February 8th. Philippe Geiss will play Karlax in duet with Jean-François Zygel - piano, an attraction of 10mn before the session of the big movie of Murnau. Ask for free places in before February 4th Or Reserve your places to 01 45 61 10 60 - Cinema Balzac - 1 street Balzac 75008 BETS.

Da Fact @ "Music & You"

november 2010

In November DA FACT was present at the "Music&You" exhibition of Paris in the Main Hall of "La Villette".